Saturday, October 07, 2006

Thoughts on puke and ashrams

"the ashram is beautiful. it has 5 star accomodations (indian though,not by american standards) and is totally designed to cater to westerners. it is manicured and landscaped with flowers, grass and no trees for shade. we have western toilets and a huge bathroom. i am staying in a cabin (with exposed brick) with 2 other gurls,we each have our own bedrooms and there is even a sitting room in the front of the cabin! the food is simple, organic and delicious. so far i havent actaully experienced any yoga or classes because i've been sick,but it sounds like a place i would love to spend alot more time in. unfortunately we are leaving tuesday morning to leave for our himilayan trek. there are alot of other westerners here. i hope i feel well enough in the next 2 days to take advantage of it. i've got to run to dinner,but i wanted to shout out the juniors and seniors at the Social Justice Academy in Hyde Park,MA. they will be following my blog as part of their world studies curriculum. i'm excited and cant wait for feedback. take care everyne and as usual,comment make my life better! send me some!"

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