Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Uttarakhand face heavy rains, Flood havoc continues

Heavy rain over the last three days in Uttarakhand has claimed over
two-dozen lives. The record rainfall has made rivers cross the danger

Landslides are not the only worry. Swollen rivers claim hundreds of
lives each year. Lakhs of pilgrims visit Rishikesh each year to take a
dip in the Ganges.

Four persons were swept away by various rivers in the Kumaon region
that are in spate while another died in Tharali area of Garhwal region
since yesterday.

The water level of the Tehri reservoir was rising alarmingly
inundating several areas and the Ganga was hovering around the danger
mark at Rishikesh and Haridwar threatening to flood more areas in the
plains of Uttar Pradesh and Bihar.

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