Friday, January 25, 2008

Discovery Atlas' to be aired from January 26 featuring the 2000-year tradition of Gurukul system of Rishikesh, among other subjects

Discovery Channel will be launching 'Discovery Atlas', a portrait of
the World's greatest Nations seen through the lives of their
extraordinary people, from January 26, starting with a two hour
episode on India.
Acclaimed Film Director Mira Nair would be narrating the episode
'India Revealed' to be telecast at 9PM on Jan 26.
As India strives to join the leading edge of the world's powers,
century old conventions are coming under pressure forcing deep shifts
and changes within the Indian society. 'India Revealed' will capture
all those shifts and changes, tensions and conflicts. Varanasi, Indian
Wedding, the Sunderbans, the 2000-year tradition of Gurukul system of
Rishikesh, Jama Masjid, the Indian Aerospace industry and the hi tech
revolution and outsourcing have been touched upon in the Indian
Discovery Communications, a non fiction media company, raches out to
over 170 countries.

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