Friday, February 01, 2008

PRI's The World - Geo Quiz Podcast 253-The Beatles' Ashram in Rishikesh

Indian marigolds and transcendental meditation are your first clues for today's Geo Quiz. We're looking for a city in the foothills of the Himalayas in northern India. The Beatles visited an ashram there back in 1968. They went to escape material wealth....and to find serenity. But one local says this forest retreat at the edge of the Ganges River has NOT aged gracefully. One American woman is mounting an effort in the state of Uttarakhand to revitalize the Beatle's abandoned ashram. Hear more when we reveal the answer right here.
The World's Geo Quiz tests your knowledge of world geography, and introduces you to fascinating people and places around the globe. The World is a US-based international news and analysis program co-produced by the BBC World Service, Public Radio International, and WGBH Boston.
Listen to the Podcast here.
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