Saturday, September 23, 2006

T’PURAM: After Ramayana and the Mahabharata, it is the turn of the Upanishads:Shaji N Karun to make 108-episode serial Upanishads

In an effort to take the ancient treasure of wisdom to the masses,
filmmaker and cinematographer Shaji N.Karun has come up with a dream
project to make a 108-episode serial based on the Upanishads.

The Rs 25-crore project, tentatively named 'Upanishad Dhara', will be
telecast nationwide by a leading channel. The idea of the serial was
born in a casual meeting Shaji had with Swami Sandeep Chaithanya,
director of School of Bhagavad Gita, some months ago.

"The Upanishads have always been an inspiration for me. I used to
visualise the Upanishad lessons and dream of such a project," Sandeep
Chaithanya said.

"I view the Upanishads as the nucleus of beauty and wisdom. All my
movies contain the message derived out of the Upanishads," Shaji, who
won international accolades for the movie 'Piravi,' said. In fact, the
opening shot of Piravi is based on a philosophical question asked by
Nachikethasu in the Katha Upanishad.

Upanishad Dhara will parade some of the greatest artistes in
Hollywood, Bollywood and South Indian films in the key roles. The
serial will depict the original character of Yamadharma, who is
portrayed as the embodiment of beauty and the master of Brahmavidya in
the Upanishads. The role of Yama will be played by one of the greatest
film stars in Bollywood.

"At this point, we can't reveal the names of the stars who will
associate with this project. Well-known names from Hollywood,
Bollywood, Egypt and Iran will be there in the leading roles. Famous
directors from Bollywood and South India will direct different
episodes," said Shaji, who has already started discussions with
artistes and directors.

The project needs extensive research. A core team from different parts
of India has already started the research, which will go on for the
next 18 months. Internationally reputed philosophical institutions
like Bhandarkar Institute, Pune and Kailasa Ashram and Rishikesh are
associating with the research work, which alone will cost around Rs 50

The initial investment for the project will come from some leading
industrial houses and NRI businessmen. If everything goes according to
schedule, the shooting will begin in January 2008.

The Rs 25-crore project, tentatively named Upanishad Dhara, will be
telecast nationwide by a leading channel


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